100% made with natural ceramic
Tax included.
天然白土で作られたBoutijourのセラミックカッサ。 あごのライン、ほうれい線のリフティングだけでなく、疲れた目元、頭皮、肩、足など様々な部位の凝った筋肉を柔らかくほぐします。 疲れを取るリラクシングマッサージで重さやストレスを減らしてリフレッシュしてみてください。 コットンポーチと一緒に入っています。
- Designed to provide intensive toxin drainage around the cheeks & smile lines, neck & shoulder - décolleté area.
- A relaxing massage tool designed to release tense, tightened muscles and sculpt fatigued, loosened skin.
product details
- Contouring & Relaxing Therapy
Bouti Gua Sha is designed to sculpt and massage the skin, helping remove toxins from the face, head and body.
- Multifuntional Facial & Body Massage
Bouti Gua Sha is made entirely of high quality ceramic (white clay). Two unique and carefully designed pressure bumps can be used for the jawline, facial lines, neck, scalp, and eye area.
White Clay